
The Church of Scientology might be losing one of its Gods. Tom Cruise–hailed by leaders as one of its “chosen ones”–hasn’t been seen at its headquarters in almost three years, sparking speculation that he cut loose.

A devout member of the controversial church, that forbids parishioners from associating with non-members, the Mission Impossible star chose his beliefs over raising his daughter Suri, whom he hasn’t seen since she was six.

And now, rumors are swirling that he’s renounced the church to mend his strained relationship with the now 17-year-old Suri.

Tom Cruise, 61, has been a vocal advocate for the controversial church of Scientology since he was first converted by then wife Mimi Rogers in 1986, the same year founder, sci-fi writer L. Ron Hubbard died.

Crediting his success to the church, Cruise once said, “It’s something that has helped me incredibly in my life; I’ve been a Scientologist for over 30 years. It’s something, you know, without it, I wouldn’t be where I am. So, it’s a beautiful religion. I’m incredibly proud.”

The controversial church, founded in the 1950s, claims that billions of extra-terrestrial beings were sent to Earth by Xenu–a galactic overlord–who gathered the aliens and destroyed them with hydrogen bombs.

The aliens’ souls attached themselves to chosen humans, known as “thetans,” who will one day be saved from their life of spiritual harm.

The Jerry Maguire star, an ambassador for the church, is one of the most high-profile members of the church, with other celebrity followers including John Travolta, Nancy Cartwright, and Elisabeth Moss.

Cruise’s loyalties to Scientology, in fact, have been far more powerful than to his marriages.

According to the book “A Billion Years: My Escape from a Life in the Highest Ranks of Scientology,” written by Mike Rinder–a former senior executive who defected from the church–the church ran interference in Cruise’s relationship with Nicole Kidman, calling her a “negative influence.” Kidman, who the Top Gun star divorced 2001, never “took to Scientology during their 10-year relationship,” but their adopted kids, Connor, 28, and Isabella, 30, are still active members who, because of their beliefs, are estranged from their mom. The rules dictate that anyone who leaves the faith is considered a “Suppressive Person” and is cut off from all members of the church, including their immediate family.

Moving on from Kidman, the Risky Business star then had a three-year dalliance with Penelope Cruz that ended in 2004 when she refused to give up her own religion.

And no one can forget Cruise’s declaration of love for Katie Holmes on Oprah Winfrey’s yellow couch. The couple married in 2005, had daughter Suri in 2006, and then Homes, now 44, blindsided the Mission Impossible star with divorce papers in 2012.

Understanding the powerful hold of the church and the consequences of leaving, Holmes carefully calculated her escape with Suri. The plan included firing Isabella–whom she was very close–from her position at her label, Holmes and Yang, only two months before the divorce papers were filed.

“Katie ambushed Tom Cruise and in so doing outwitted some of the most controlling people on Earth,” says Karen De La Carriere, who left the church in 2010. “By filing for sole custody of Suri, she’s making it very clear she’s not going to let what happened with Nicole Kidman happen to her.”


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