
Izabele Lomax paused to take a closer look at the video which confirmed what she initially thought; she was looking at a video of herself.

The post she came across was actually a screenshot of a previous post. Someone had recorded Lomax breastfeeding in public and had stated that they wishes she had covered herself up while doing so.

The screenshot Lomax came across was posted by a woman in a breastfeeding support group. She wrote along the image, “Just pulled up my Facebook and was greeted with this, and I just cannot understand how another female can say this and take VIDEO of this momma feeding her baby and post it to the internet.”

Lomax felt similarly because the mother breastfeeding the child in the video was indeed her. She recalled the moment, “I was like, ‘That’s me!’” The young mother had no idea she had been secretly filmed while feeding her baby.
