
As the crime rate in L.A. rises, even the home of Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell was not spared. The veteran actress appeared on Kelly Ripa’s ‘Let’s Talk Off Camera’ podcast and revealed that she plans to move out of the city, especially after she and her family had to suffer through two break-ins in their own in a very short period of time.

She shared that she and her longtime partner, Kurt Russell have been thinking about where they could potentially move. They noted that Palm Desert is a nice area, they consider it safer than L.A. which they now think is, “terrible.”

Hawn recounted two break-ins that she and her family had suffered from. In both cases, she shared the robbers had tried to get onto her property, with one set of robbers actually succeeding in doing so and rummaging through their rooms.

She shared the full extent of the robbery, saying, “They completely knocked down my door, which is a safe door, so they’re very, very sophisticated, and they got a lot of my goodies, if you know what I mean.”
