
“It’s like when you have a [cigarette] or a drink, you get addicted. I can’t stop it now, it’s addictive, for me anyway. I just can’t stop it,” said Sloan, adding that since tattoo parlors started denying her, because she’s “beyond help,” she got her own kit. She continued, “I carry the [tattoo] gun around with me in the boot, I’ll get one in the car or anywhere.”

Though Sloan can’t find a job–her body and face are now covered in somewhat sloppy ink–she continues to have her boyfriend give her three “tattoos prison style” each week. She has more than 800 tattoos.


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Sloan explained that years ago, she worked as a toilet cleaner, but today, she’s turned away from similar roles.

“I can’t get a job. They won’t have me. I applied for a job cleaning toilets where I live and they won’t have me because of my tattoos…People have said I have never had a job in my life, I have had one once and it didn’t last long.” She continued, “But, if someone offered me a job tomorrow, I would go and work–I would take that offer.”

On top of her inability to find work, Sloan said she’s treated like an outcast and that every time she steps out of her door, she’s verbally attacked and mocked, people pointing and staring.

