
Before our kitchens were equipped with electric coffee machines, grinding coffee was a manual affair. Imagine getting up before dawn every morning to grind coffee beans by hand. This ritual made the coffee grinder indispensable in every household. The effort it took to take that first, delicious sip was significant, but it made every cup of coffee all the more satisfying. The coffee grinder was not just one tool; it was a crucial part of the morning routine, marking the start of the day for many generations. These old coffee grinders were often beautifully crafted, with detailed designs that also made them decorative pieces in the kitchen.

Vacuum Cleaner

The household task of vacuuming used to be a two-person job.

Take for example the Baby Daisy, one manually powered vacuum cleaner from 1910, designed in France.

One person had to move the base back and forth while the other sucked up the dust with a hose.
