
We all see the world in our own unique way, but there are common patterns we can fit into. One of these is how we express affection. Understanding and interpreting Octavio Ocampo’s painting can reveal how we express ourselves and when we like something.

A girl lying on the floor

If you first saw a girl lying on the floor then you are someone willing to give up instead of fighting anymore. You can’t stay consistent for a longer period of time.

The face of an old man

If you first see the face of an old man then you are someone who always sees a big perspective of the whole scenario. You don’t consider someone just because of dramatic gestures rather you keenly observe how much someone invests time and effort in being with you.

Stone archway

If you are someone who sees the archway first, then you are someone who loves adventures. You like being alone and want to hide in the mountains.

A man riding a horse

If you are someone who saw a man riding a horse first then you are someone who is not a person to deal with. You are a loyal person with your loved ones but you never compromise on your dignity and self-respect.


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