Bagworm insects hanging on a branch of an evergreen tree

Even though their name sounds harmless, Evergreen Bagworms can cause major problems.

These creatures are not worms but rather a moth in its larval stage, and pose serious risks to both deciduous and evergreen trees – causing damage and even death if they are not removed.

Scientifically known as Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformis, Evergreen Bagworms are named so because of the unique protective casing they make around themselves, almost like a bag.

The larvae create these bags by producing a silk-like thread and using it to attach debris like twigs and leaves to their bodies. Ever so slowly, this casing grows bigger, providing the worms with camouflage and shelter.

What is the lifecycle of an Evergreen Bagworm?

The reproductive cycle begins when the female adult lays eggs inside her casing, and this remains stuck to the tree after she dies. Throughout winter, the eggs stay in the casing and eventually hatch in late spring or early summer, producing small larvae. These larvae then head out to search for a suitable tree to stick to, and start creating their own bags using their silk-like thread.

They might start small, but these bags eventually become bigger as the larvae grow and emerge from time to time to get more plant material for their casing. New bags are created as the larvae reaches each new stage.


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