
There’ve been no end of ‘spooky’ images to have made their way to the internet over the years. From potential sightings of Big Foot, to supposed flying saucers in the sky, to ghosts appearing in the windows of old, decrepit homes, there’s no shortage of such pictures if you choose to look for them.

Now, we’ll admit right off the bat that the vast majority of said images aren’t nearly so unexplainable as they’re purported to be.

Most of the time the paranormal element or eerie detail is nothing more than a coincidental blur of the camera, or else the work of someone who knows how to use Photoshop and has too much time on their hands.

That said, there do exist photos that – in some way or another – appear to defy logic. Just ask runner Kay Borleis, who found a somewhat haunting detail in a photo taken while she was on a 100-mile run through the Hawaiian rainforest. Why anyone would put themselves through such a physical endeavor is beyond me, but that’s not what’s important here.

According to reports, Kay embarked upon the Hawaiian Ultra Running Team’s Trail 100-Mile Endurance Run back in 2019 – a race that sees competitors run five laps of a 20-mile loop through dense rainforest.

Kay was joined by her friend Cassie – who was working as a pacer – and it was Cassie who took snaps during the duo’s run.


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