
It’s fair to say most people enjoy a very special bond with grandpas and grandmas. They’re kind, thoughtful and usually a little less strict when it comes to the rules than our parents.

My grandparents were always on hand to help me bake, let me eat as many sweets as I wanted, and take me on exciting trips.

It might only have been into the woods behind her house, but my grandma was able to turn a little walk into an amazing pirate adventure, where treasure was hidden behind every stone.

As I got older, I realized there were no pirates behind grandma’s house; no treasure behind the stones. But the fact that she could take the ordinary and make it extraordinary stuck with me.

Something else you learn about grandparents from an early age is that there’s no point trying to mess with them. You know how it’s going to end. That’s certainly the case if you encounter 77-year-old Winifred Peel from Wirral, UK.


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