
As per Love What Matters, Whitney Quinton spent many years fighting a number of different illnesses and conditions, including endometriosis and adenomyosis.

After welcoming her first son, she suffered a terrible miscarriage in her next pregnancy, but continued to dream of one day giving her little boy a sibling.

Three years after her miscarriage, she underwent surgery for endometriosis, and soon after learned that she had fallen pregnant again.


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Needless to say, after the heartache of what had happened before, Whitney and her partner were overjoyed.

Scans showed that the couple were expecting a little girl, though at the ultrasound when the gender was revealed, a scene that should have been one of undiluted happiness soon turned to tragedy.

The first warning sign for Whitney was that the scans were taking longer than usual.

“I started getting worked up while we waited and my husband tried to reassure me it would be okay,” she explained to Love What Matters


