
I always thought my family was perfect. My husband, Tom, was beloved by everyone for his charm, dependability, and constant presence. Our daughter Lily, with her curious mind and sparkling eyes, completed our happy picture. We lived in a cozy house with picket fences, surrounded by friendly neighbors and close friends. Life seemed absolutely perfect.

But everything changed on a cold October evening when Lily stumbled upon something unexpected. She found two glossy tickets in her dad’s jacket and excitedly asked me if I was going to a jazz dinner without telling her. At first, I thought it was a romantic surprise from Tom. But as I looked at the tickets, reality hit me hard. The date on them was for tomorrow.

Tomorrow was the day I was supposed to fly to Denver for a work conference. Tom knew about it months in advance and even encouraged me to go, believing it would benefit my career. So why would he book a romantic dinner when he knew I wouldn’t be in town? Questions flooded my mind, causing me to doubt the man I trusted the most.
