
Minutes passed, and she watched as her husband arrived home. He made his way through the kitchen and into the bedroom. With bated breath, she peeked out from beneath the bed, observing as he approached the dresser to read the note she had left for him. There was a momentary hesitation before he grabbed a pen and scribbled something on a piece of paper.

Her heart raced with anticipation as he picked up the phone to make a call. Who was he calling? What did he intend to say? The woman strained to hear his words, but all she could discern was a hint of a smirk in his voice. As he ended the call, she realized that perhaps she had acted too impulsively.

Days turned into weeks, and the anticipation grew heavy in the air. Finally, she couldn’t wait any longer. She packed her bags and walked out the door. Despite the heaviness in his heart, her husband couldn’t help but feel an eagerness to see his lover and feel her touch once again.
