
This behavior hinders our progress towards a future where everyone is treated equally, regardless of their financial status or physical attractiveness. It is disheartening to witness lives being deemed more important simply because of wealth or beauty.

Consider the story of a young woman who embodied the spirit of compassion. Casey Fischer was driving to Dunkin’ Donuts when she noticed a homeless man begging for pennies on the side of the road. His name was Chris, and he shared with Fischer his struggles with homelessness and the unfair treatment he had experienced due to his circumstances. Fischer was captivated by his story and decided to extend a helping hand.

She invited Chris to join her at a table and selflessly paid for his supper. As they sat and conversed for nearly an hour, Fischer could have never anticipated the impact she would have on his life. Before she left for class, Chris handed her a crumpled piece of paper with a scribbled message. It revealed that he had contemplated suicide, but meeting her had given him hope and a renewed sense of purpose.
