
The path an actor takes to reach a level of prominence is never the same for two individuals, with some beginning early in their education to develop their talents.

Others may blossom as they get older or even long after they’ve completed school, but first serving in the military is not the usual path taken. In the case of actor Adam Driver, the path veered toward service as a U.S. Marine.

That decision came after he had completed high school and lacked a clear plan for his future, something that changed after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in New Tork, Washington and Pennsylvania. Motivated by the massive tragedy, Driver enlisted in the Marines and soon developed a discipline that would aid him in his acting development.

During his time in the military, he was injured in a biking accident, which prevented him from being deployed to war zones. Once Driver left the Marines, he began his acting career, eventually earning a role in the HBO program, “Girls.”
