
Hear the words Clint Eastwood and you’ll likely conjure an image of a strapping man with a brooding stare, well over six-foot-tall in height. Yet Father Time comes for us all, and the days wherein Clint was racing around the desert after bandits, or asking bad guys if they felt lucky, punk, are now resigned to history.

Watching our favorite celebrities grow old can often be a strange thing to witness. Perhaps it’s because we see them steadily aging with every role, maybe it’s just because it reminds of us of our own mortality.

One person wrote: “He’s unrecognizable! […] Age has obviously slowed him down just as it will most of us.”

Aging is just so cruel,you’re a legend Clint,” another added.

Is he ok omg!! He needs grooming help!” a third said.

He should have at least shaved and gotten a haircut. He still looks strong though,” a fourth opined.
