
Deyvion was just a baby in a bassinet when a fire ripped through the apartment where he slept. Firefighters rescued him from the blaze but he was left with horrific burns all over his face.

It was a miracle that Deyvion survived but this tough little baby from Missouri went on a recovery journey at a special burns unit where he fought his way back to health.

This miracle boy did all of this without loved ones by his side and it wasn’t until he was 5 years that he became the foster child of Beth Plunkett, a single mother of two.

“I thought he was a beautiful little boy, and I fell in love with him very quickly,” Beth said, as per WGN9 News.

Un bébé est adopté 7 ans après qu’un incendie d’appartement l’ait laissé avec d’horribles brûlures NewsnerOctobre 19,…

Posted by Collectif des Abandonnés, Adoptés, indépendants. on Tuesday, October 20, 2020

“I feel everybody says, ‘Oh, he’s so lucky to have you and what you’re doing,’ but I’m, I’m just as equally lucky to have him,” she added.


