
Fox News has once again dominated the ratings, leaving competitors MSNBC and CNN in the dust. In fact, 2022 was the third-highest-rated year ever in cable news history for total day viewers. Fox News has consistently been the number one cable network for the past seven years, both in primetime and total day viewership.

What sets Fox News apart is its ability to attract a politically diverse audience. Data from Nielsen/MRI Fusion shows that more Democrats, Independents, and Republicans tune in to Fox News than any other network. This popularity extends to the younger demographic as well, with Fox News drawing the most viewers in the age group of 25-54.

Fox News CEO Suzanne Scott couldn’t be prouder of the accomplishments the network achieved in 2022. She attributes their success to their innovative news and opinion programming, which resonates with the politically diverse cable news audience. And this isn’t just talk – Fox News captured an impressive 53% share of the 25-54 demographic during total daytime viewership.


