
Life took its toll, and he became absorbed in the busyness of his everyday responsibilities, making it increasingly difficult to visit his mother as often as he should have. But when he received the devastating news of her deteriorating health, he couldn’t hold it off any longer. He rushed to her side, only to find her lying motionless in her nursing facility bed.

Moved by the situation, he asked his mother if there was anything he could do for her. It was in that moment, through her tired eyes, that she conveyed her final wishes to him – requests that were born out of her declining health.

Sleepless nights plagued her as the outdated fans in her room failed to provide sufficient ventilation, causing her to suffocate. In addition to that, the refrigerator contained expired items, leaving her deprived of proper nourishment. These seemingly small desires held immense importance for her failing health.

The son was taken aback by these requests, realizing that his mother’s condition was far more critical than he had anticipated. Her message was clear – when his own children no longer wanted him around, he had to ensure that they provided better circumstances than he did. It was a heartbreaking realization for him as he understood how he had neglected his mother by making decisions without her consent.
