
On a episode of “The Kelly Clarkson Show,” Howie Mandel, the beloved comedian and television personality, made a brave and honest confession about his struggles with mental illness. Despite his celebrity status, Mandel revealed that fame has had a negative impact on his mental health, rather than a positive one.

While Mandel may appear cheerful on the outside, he explained that when he’s at home, especially alone, it’s a different story. He admitted, “I’m heavily medicated,” leaving Kelly Clarkson shocked and unable to fully comprehend someone making derogatory remarks about her.

This is not the first time a public figure has spoken out about mental health. Howard Stern, radio host and judge on “America’s Got Talent,” has also battled anxiety and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) since his childhood. As a young boy who struggled to make friends, Stern was labeled as “strange.” Today, he believes that his unique personality contributes to his success, but he admits that every day is a struggle.
