
I can only imagine it’ll be the same for me if I should be so lucky to live as long as she did.

In any case, I guess it’s this sense of nostalgia that makes “what’s this?” articles so popular online. By that I mean those pictures people upload with a desire to know was an familiar object is and what its purpose once was…

There’s currently a new one doing the rounds, and one that seems to be particularly difficult to get right in terms of what it is and does.

I’ll be the first to admit that I had no idea what the below tool was when I first saw a photo circulating on the internet.

Fortunately, however, there were people who did…

At first glance it looks like a regular, old tree branch, V shaped but otherwise quite unremarkable.

Yet its story as a useful tool for mankind goes all the way back to the 1500s, and a practice known as “Water Dowsing”.

As per reports, the water dowser has several names, including a “diviner”, “doodlebug”, “well witch”, or “water-finder.”
