
A five-year-old boy lost his life while on vacation with his family. His untimely death left his family distraught on what was supposed to be a fun-filled vacation before the boy’s little sibling arrived in 2024.

A five-year-old boy from Birmingham tragically lost his life in Egypt while on vacation with his family. Kelan Logan-Derench had been in Egypt for a day with his pregnant mom, grandmother, and older sister when he met an accident.

The trip to Egypt was Kelan’s first holiday abroad and was supposed to be an exciting time. Unfortunately, it was cut short when he fell into the swimming pool unattended and lost his life.With no one there to rescue the boy, it was too late for him when he was finally found. His family was distraught and couldn’t fathom the loss.A friend of Kelan’s mom, Ciara, set up a GoFundMe page to help the family with the costs of taking the boy’s body back home, as well as his funeral arrangements. The friend, Serena, remembered Kelan as a happy little boy:Ultimately, she revealed that the Derench family is heartbroken by the loss. A local councilor, Richard Parkin, wrote about Kelan’s death on Facebook, revealing he was a year one student at a local primary school in their area.

Upon hearing the sad news, people offered their condolences to the family. They couldn’t begin to imagine what the family was going through, so they assured them of their prayers for the young boy.

“This is utterly heartbreaking. [I] can’t imagine the devastation his family are feeling. Completely avoidable situation,” a user named Amelia Jade wrote.

“Heartbreaking. How sad is this poor little child. Thinking of family at this moment in time so sorry for your loss xx,” another internet user shared.

Ultimately, people felt the situation could have been avoided should there have been people with the boy at the time. They felt for the parents, whom they knew were going through such a tough time dealing with this sudden loss.”His poor parents my thoughts and prayers are with them,” Elizabeth Rennick said. “Omg that’s just heartbreaking. Love to his family. so so sad and tragic,” Ashley Woods added.

In a similarly tragic story, four teenage boys were found dead inside a car on what was supposed to be a fun overnight camping trip. Their family and friends now grieve the heavy loss as one community.


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