

When I was younger, to respect others was something that was ingrained in me by my parents.They knew the importance of showing respect in certain situations, and so I grew up with the same sense of purpose.

Which is why I was moved when I came across the picture of one U.S. soldier standing to attention in the pouring rain. The taker of the photo rightly knew they had to share it for the world, and I’m thankful they did.

The picture went viral, which is not really surprising at all, with people clamouring to pay tribute to the soldier.

It was what he said after being identified, though, that really paid testament to his character …

It was July 6, 2017. Erin Hester was sat at an intersection on a highway in Vine Grove, Kentucky.

It was there she spotted a soldier standing to attention outside in the driving rain. Confused, she watched him for a time, before realizing there was a funeral procession passing by. It was this that he was saluting, though he wasn’t part of the procession and didn’t know the deceased.
